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Graduation Profile: Harry Riley

Harry Riley, 21, from Neston graduates with an MBiol Integrated Masters’ of Biology degree and is now Bangor University Students’ Union Vice-President for Education 2019-20.

I’m from a small town on the Wirral peninsula called Neston and went to Neston High School and Sixth form. I’m the first in my immediate family to go to university.

Why Bangor?
My high school Biology teacher said she had an amazing time when she went to Bangor University and convinced me it was the place to go! The area is also stunning, and Bangor is great for Biology.

Campus Life...
During my fourth year I worked as a Campus Life Co-ordinator. The Campus Life Programme is to help students get the most from their time in Halls. I organised various events such as pizza parties, learn to cook sessions, karaoke, dodge-ball, 5 a side, kayaking, mountain walking, quizzes and film nights. I loved every minute of it!

Clubs & Societies...
I was the President of the Biological Society for 2.5 years and a committee member for the Debating Union for a year.

Being able to grow BioSoc from a society with less than 10 active members to having events which over 50 people regularly attend.

Overcoming obstacles...
I had various family members pass away whilst I was at University which I found rather difficult, but I had great support from the University and my fellow students.

The future...
I’ve just started a job at the Students’ Union as Vice-president of Education, so I’ll be doing that for the next year but after that who knows! If this year goes well, I might pursue the higher education route, or I may go into further biology research.


Publication date: 19 July 2019

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